Op-Ed | Health Data: Is AI the Future of Medicine?

Back Published on 07/11/2024

"Not a day goes by without hearing that AI will revolutionize medicine."

The digital transformation of healthcare is underway, but to fully realize its potential, it requires well-structured and secure data. Currently, less than 25% of facilities in France are equipped to harness this valuable data, posing a major challenge.

An op-ed co-signed by Arnaud Houette, Founding Partner at Extens, and Laurent Frigara, Deputy CEO of Enovacom (an Orange Business subsidiary), in L'Opinion. They explore the future of medicine shaped by AI.

Read the full article here: https://www.lopinion.fr/l-opinion-business/donnees-de-sante-lia-est-elle-lavenir-de-la-medecine

« The digital transformation of healthcare is underway, but to fully realize its potential, it requires well-structured and secure data. »