Op-Ed | Health Data: Will Tomorrow's Electronic Health Record Be French, European, or American?

Back Published on 02/12/2024

"In the United States, three EHR providers have captured the majority of the market. Ten years ago, there were about twelve operators to serve the needs of 320 million patients."

The digital transformation of healthcare stands at a critical juncture. How can European software providers resist the American wave, and what advantages does a European EHR bring to our healthcare systems?

An op-ed co-signed by Arnaud Houette, Founding Partner at Extens, and Patrice Taisson, President and Co-Founder of Softway Medical, in L'Opinion. They discuss the challenges and solutions for a digital healthcare future that upholds European sovereignty and strict data protection standards.

Read the full article here: https://www.lopinion.fr/l-opinion-business/le-dossier-patient-informatise-de-demain-sera-t-il-francais-europeen-ou-americain
« In the United States, three EHR providers have captured the majority of the market. Ten years ago, there were about twelve operators to serve the needs of 320 million patients. »